5 Tips to Improve Your Presentation Skills

You’re asked to speak at a large industry conference. First, you’re honored; then, you’re intimidated. You have all of the knowledge and experience to do the job, but you’ve never been one for speaking to large crowds. So, how do you tackle it? We’ve collected five tips for you to nail this presentation, and any others that may present themselves to you in the future.

1. Sound Check

When you practice your presentation, run through it a couple of times focusing only on the sounds and visuals that you have included. On the day of your presentation, get to your presentation room at least 15 minutes early, preferably with a technician to help you run through it. Test the sound in the room and the microphones. Check your presentation videos and volume from all areas of the room.

2. Push Your Buttons

If you are using audio and/or visual equipment, practice with the presentation clicker and master the computer prompts so that you are ready when it’s show time. By improving your ability to operate the presentation equipment, you will be able to focus on confidently delivering your message.

3. Keep it Simple

Take a look at your slides from the audience’s perspective. Keep only the most critical text on the slide, and deliver the rest through your discussion. Use fonts at least 20 point and avoid crowding too much information on each slide.

4. Stay on Schedule

When you deliver a professional presentation, you are representing yourself and your company, your product, etc. Look the part, communicate the part, and make sure your professionalism shines. One way to do this is to stay on task and within your allotted presentation time, leaving plenty of time to answer questions to further engage your audience in discussion.

5. Be Likeable

Establishing rapport with your audience is critical. It’s important to capture the attention of your audience with an endearing introduction. Tell a joke or share a personal anecdote to set the stage for an engaged audience.

Many executives underestimate the power of the presentation. Presentation skills go beyond developing a professional PowerPoint; they require careful thought, messaging, and preparation. One suggestion is to work with a public relations firm to help organize your presentation. A presentation is an opportunity to show how your company can shine. With these tips and a seasoned public relations firm to guide you, you will easily be able to successfully deliver your next presentation.

Looking to sharpen your presentation skills? Call us, we can help you! (866) 252-1750.